Thursday 23 May 2013

Overloading methods for derived classes

Using dynamic keyword to resolve double dispatch, overloaded methods using derived types at compile time.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;

namespace OverloadedMethod
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var processor = new Processor();
var shapes = new List<Shape> {new Circle(), new Triangle()};

foreach (var shape in shapes)
// option 1
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,
new[] { shape.GetType() },
new object[] { shape });

// or option 2 (requires known definition of all drived types and a line per type)
if (shape is Circle) processor.Execute(shape as Circle);
else if (shape is Triangle) processor.Execute(shape as Triangle);

// option 3... BOOM!!!! Works a treat :)
processor.Execute(shape as dynamic);

class Shape { }

class Circle : Shape
public int Circumference { get { return 10; } }

class Triangle : Shape
public int HypotenuseLength { get { return 20; } }

class Processor
internal void Execute(Circle circle)
Console.WriteLine("Executing with a Circle with circumference {0}!", circle.Circumference);

internal void Execute(Triangle triangle)
Console.WriteLine("Executing with a Triangle hypotenuse length of {0}!", triangle.HypotenuseLength);


So what about this, using an extension method?  Apparently Circle doesn’t have a definition for Execute…



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace OverloadedMethod
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var shapes = new List<Shape> {new Circle(), new Triangle()};

foreach (var shape in shapes)
// option 4: so what about this....?
// (shape as dynamic).Execute(); // doesn't work
ExtensionMethods.Execute(shape as dynamic); // this works!

class Shape { }

class Circle : Shape
public int Circumference { get { return 10; } }

class Triangle : Shape
public int HypotenuseLength { get { return 20; } }

static class ExtensionMethods
public static void Execute(this Circle circle)
Console.WriteLine("Executing with a Circle with circumference {0}!", circle.Circumference);

public static void Execute(this Triangle triangle)
Console.WriteLine("Executing with a Triangle hypotenuse length of {0}!", triangle.HypotenuseLength);

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